Casa Harth is back

On monday 11th June, 2018, “El Comercio” newspaper on their supplement Día1, published an article called “La Casa Harth está de vuelta” (Casa Harth is back).

“The company is reborn with capital contributions from a company owned by a direct descendant of the family that founded it back in 1854. They lay on the ecologic and healthy products”

As the article says, after almost 30 years of dedicating exclusively to one product, Casa Harth is reactivated throught the investment of TBC-World Group, company that operates in Europe, Canada and India.

As read on these lines, with these capital contributions the company is expanding their import portfolio, including Palmex’s canadian eco-responsible synthetic palm roofs, Exkite clothing, made in Italy from reused kitesurf material, Voltitude’s swiss luxury e-bikes and others. Besides, the company is re-starting the export division, in which they look to export the best of Peru: superfoods, specially quinoa, peruvian artcrafts and textiles, etc.